the generator - burlington, vt
my artists-in-residence project was based on the marriage of two concepts: psychedelic art and haitian art. where psychedelia intersects with the syncretic nature of haitian tradition, culture, folklore, mysticism, and theology alike to create an exuberant vibrational experience to the seeker. i wanted to create three pieces celebrating haitian women and their integral role in haitian heritage. haitian women are agents of their own tranformations; pioneers of their own spiritual path. although haiti doesn't have a history with psilocybin mushrooms, its rich, vibrant culture celebrates the ecstatic vibrations of its people. It's the vibrations of the universe that keeps the Haitian people resilient through times of adversity.
My Mushroom-Head series explores the colorful, hallucinating experience of psychedelia, LSD, and psilocybin and their historical presence in cultures across the world.
It's a project based on the power of plant intelligence and our connection to plants. Since Haitian people have a historical deep connection to the land through Vodou, this project celebrates Haiti's deep understanding of nature through its various cultural customs. It's a project that celebrates the cultural buoyancy of Haiti during a time of political and social-economic strife.